FAQs About Hypnosis & Working With Me:

  • Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with many beneficial characteristics that has been used all over the world throughout human history. Have you ever driven somewhere only to arrive and not remember how you even got there? Have you ever been so into a book or a movie that you didn’t hear someone calling your name? You know the feeling right before you fall asleep or wake up? These are all examples of a light state of hypnosis.

    Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness in which the body and conscious mind (think logical reasoning mind) are in a relaxed and peaceful state. The subconscious mind (think emotion/feeling mind) remains alert and receptive to positive suggestions for change. During this state, one is able to focus on a specific thought, emotion, memory, or information while blocking out distractions. As a hypnosis practitioner, my role is to guide you into this relaxed receptive state, which is the most effective brain state for you to begin to re-train your subconscious mind in order to make positive improvements in your life.

    It is important to note that hypnosis is a skill. Like any skill, it takes some practice. During your initial session, we will practice going in and out of hypnosis to start building that mental muscle! Once you get the hang of it, it becomes super easy to access this state of mind, which becomes your super power!

  • Hypnosis works by relaxing the conscious mind (logical reasoning mind) thus allowing access to the subconscious mind (emotion/feeling mind), which is where the real change happens. In this state, you are more open to positive suggestions, which help you achieve your goals faster and more easily. The subconscious mind is so important because this is where all of our emotions, beliefs, and memories are stored. Think of the mind like a computer or a phone. It runs software (beliefs). Sometimes that software needs updating or the computer/phone starts to slow down or malfunction. Just like computers, we also need to upgrade our belief system. Many beliefs we have stored from childhood no longer serve us today, and often hold us back big time. You may or may not be consciously aware of them, but either way they are running in the background like malware on a computer. This is why it is so important to get to the root source or belief that is causing the issue and change it for good. Removing limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind and replacing them with empowering ones is perhaps the single most impactful and powerful thing you can do to improve your life.

  • No! This is a common myth often portrayed in movies/entertainment. You are in complete control the entire time. You cannot be made to do anything against your will or outside of your moral code. You will not divulge any secrets or information that you do not wish to share. Hypnosis can’t make you do something. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. You can come out of hypnosis whenever you want. It is a choice to go into hypnosis, stay in it, or come out. For example, if a fire alarm went off, you would get up and exit the building. You would not wait for me to count you out of hypnosis. It is completely safe, and is a natural state of mind that we all experience on a daily basis to some degree.

  • Yes! Everyone can be hypnotized IF they want to be and give consent. It is completely up to the client. You cannot be hypnotized against your will. Hypnosis is very effective if the client wants to experience it and wants to achieve the goal they are after. YOU have to want the change. It will not be effective if you are attempting hypnosis to solve a problem that someone else wants you to change, but you don’t want to change. For example, your spouse wants you to quit smoking, but you aren’t really committed to this change. In addition, a common misconception is that the strong-minded or very analytical are not easily hypnotized, but in fact the opposite is true. People that are more intelligent or creative usually go into hypnosis more easily.

    If you have tried hypnosis before and have been unsuccessful, I can help! Each person is unique and has a different way of taking in information, therefore not everyone responds the same way to the same hypnosis techniques. This is why I do NOT use generic scripts or one-size-fits-all therapy techniques. As your practitioner, it’s my job to figure out how you take in information and use the techniques that will be most effective for you. You do not necessarily need to be in a deep state of trance in order to access the subconscious mind or benefit from hypnosis. A light trance can work just as well. Still some people may feel they are unable to be hypnotized. Even if you feel you are not “hypnotized,” your subconscious mind is still being accessed and will pick up everything that is said under hypnosis, and that is where the transformation happens!

  • Hypnosis is very effective when applied properly by a skilled practitioner AND the client is committed to their goal and to change. Although hypnosis works more quickly than most traditional forms of therapy, it is not a magic quick fix. You still need to put in the work. A study by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D., which was later reprinted in American Health Magazine, revealed the following success rates: Hypnotherapy: 93% success after 6 sessions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 72% success after 22 sessions, Psychoanalysis: 38% success after 600 sessions. Having practiced traditional counseling and behavior therapy for the past 10 years, and now practicing hypnosis, I can tell you that there is value in all three of these types of therapies depending upon the client and the situation. However, in my own experience with clients, I do find hypnosis to be the most effective in the least amount of sessions, as noted by this study. I also find the change with hypnosis to be transformative and permanent.

    There’s a reason that celebrities, winning sports teams, Olympic athletes and successful CEOs and companies use hypnosis and have been for years…it is extremely effective!

  • The experience of hypnosis is different for everyone, but the general consensus is that it is extremely calming and relaxing for both mind and body. Many people love this state and find it very beneficial for stress reduction in general. Although the word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word “hypnos,” meaning “sleep” or the “coming on of sleep,” you will not be asleep or unconscious. You are very aware of your surroundings, but in this special state of mind, you may choose to ignore distractions around you as you focus on the work your subconscious mind is doing. Some people become so relaxed that they may fall asleep. This is totally OK! I often just bring clients back to the sound of my voice. Everyone is different. Some people consciously remember everything that happens under hypnosis, while some remember only certain parts. Even if you do not consciously recall the entire session, your subconscious mind will have recorded every second of it, and will be working to positively change your behavior in the direction you desire. In addition, every session can be recorded for your peace of mind and can be listened to again for reinforcement of your new positive beliefs.

  • Work with my clients is a co-creative process, and unique to each individual, meaning it will vary based on the client and their specific goals. Based on my experience, most clients see lasting transformation within 6 to 12 sessions, therefore I offer 6, 9, and 12-session programs. We will work together to create a customized plan just for you that meets your specific needs.

  • Yes! Hypnosis is just as effective when done remotely as it is in person. Plus you get to relax from the comfort of your own home where you may feel more comfortable going into a hypnotic state. My clients have seen tremendous success through their online sessions. It also allows clients from all over the world to access my services. All you need is a device and an internet connection!

  • You will receive an electronic invoice prior to your first session so you may pay easily online. Jackie Long Hypnosis LLC accepts all major credit cards. All prices are in USD. Payment plans are available as well.

  • No—I do not accept insurance, or file insurance or any other third party claims. Insurance companies usually consider hypnosis as an alternative therapy and therefore do not cover it. However, you may present your invoice receipts to your insurance provider to see if they may cover your sessions. This does not mean that they will cover the service or the cost. You must check with your own provider.

  • Yes—I take referrals from other health providers and work with them often. If you wish to work on a health or mental health condition, I require consent from your current licensed provider (e.g., medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, mental health counselor). This can be discussed further in our intro call. I am an adjunct in your care, not a replacement for medical or mental health care.

*Barrios, A. A. (1970). Hypnotherapy: A reappraisal. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 7(1), 2–7. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0086544

A study by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D., which was later reprinted in American Health Magazine, revealed the following success rates:

*Barrios, A. A. (1970). Hypnotherapy: A reappraisal. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 7(1), 2–7. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0086544

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